Tuesday 30 April 2013

This is the end

Well This Is It The End Is Here


the thing that i liked most about the poject was that when we were told to make something that we had no limit to what we did and that we were all going to end up with something different. and whatever we did was going to not be called ugly or that it was not good even to go into the art gallery. and that we had fun with art because usally when you do art you want it to look pretty but you never want to put what is in your brain on paper. and that we got to perform in front of people you took the time to actually listen to what we were saying and that child have a voice and the saying "kids should been seen and not heard" is not ture.

I learned that you  dont have to care what people think of your art as long as you like it that all that matters. and i learned that as people we have more human rights then you think and to have fun with what your doing and that you dont need to be scared to perform if you beleive in what your doing is right. 

And lastly the project change me because i dont care if people don't like my art because it is right to me. and now when i perform it won't matter what people think because i beleive in what i am doing what is right. to me and i see art in a whole new way now. and that people see thing in differnet ways so i don't have to get mad if people don't know what i am drawing.

Well this is the end to my blog i hope you like what i wrote and i really loved doing this project and i hope you enjoyed it to -Alessia Duarte  

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