Tuesday, 9 April 2013

My Pictures - Femi

My Pictures - Femi

My first picture was just me being creative and having fun.  It actually started as an apple but ended up as something I wouldn't want to eat.  In my opinion, it looks like a mutant apple from an unknown planet in a cage waiting to be tested and examined on. What does it look like to you?  I was inspired to use many colours by the painting I was looking at, which was really colourful.  If I could title this picture I would call it "UKNOWN", because it couldbe anything.  What would you call it?

My second picture was about chaos. Volcanoes erupting, and a huge unknown beast coming from no where, at the same time!  Is that CRAZY or what?  My inspiration to make the huge unknown beast was my first picture.  But if you pay attention you can also see a flying box in the background. RANDOM! What would you name the huge beast?


  1. I would love to be the one to examines that apple, you're drawings are so creative.

    - Amina
