Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Malaika's thoughts about Georgettes Art!!!!

Hey Georgette!! I love your art work! it's really gorgeous.If I could I would zap my self in the art and live there.I really like how you made the sun so bright and huge. The moment i looked at this all my attention went right at the sun. I love how  your art work gives a bit of a warm feeling and a bit of a cool feeling. i love all the mixing techniques you used.When you really take a close look at it , the trees are so well done. you put so much detail into them.(the branches).

To be honest now that i look at your art work i want to go live there.(Apparently its not so sunny anymore here.) Just one random question!!! Why are there only 3 birdies? Also when you drew this were you feeling like you needed a vacation? or go to a place hot and sunny?! (it was in winter) ;)

PS.  This looks like a place that no one visits. :(

PSS. You can draw girlie! I never knew that.!!
**KEEP DRAWING , SOMEDAY YOU MIGHT BE AN ARTIST! you never know what the future holds*** -Malaika <3

1 comment:

  1. I'm surprised that no one is there because I would definitely go there on vacation if I could! Wouldn't you?
