Hey there! I thought your picture was absolutely fantastic. It reminds me of paradise, which has the ocean, sun setting, the sand, the seagulls (or at least I assumed they were seagulls), and the palm trees. The use of the background colours (red and orange) really go along with the sun, really showing that it's a sunset. Why did you decide to use these colours? Was there an inspiration? I thought the addition of the seagulls, even if they were so little, really added to the scenery. They're like a period at the end of a sentence. So small, yet you know it's there because of the important roll it plays.
I really liked the different colours you used in the water. A combination of blue, brown, and green really show off the reflections and textures. Speaking of reflections, the one of the sun really adds a nice touch to the drawing. The colour combinations in the sun is so life like, almost as if you're looking at an actual sun! The addition of the little island to the right of the drawing really makes it so that the drawing isn't so sparse, which adds nice detail. Speaking of details, look at the leaves of the palm trees! I've never seen so much detail put into a palm tree. Something that takes talent. One question about the palm trees though. Why did you decide to make them black? Does it symbolize something, like how there is always darkness, even in the brightness of a paradise? Was it simply just random, or perhaps you ran out of brown (haha)?
Anyways, you're picture is really fantastic, something that requires a lot of talent, and I really hope you enjoyed visiting the art centre as much as I did.
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