Saturday, 16 March 2013

Malaika's Picture---> Sabhat's Thoughts!

Once upon a a land not too far away...there was an artist named Malaika, who was obviously better at art than someone (cough cough). She created a fantastic picture, that compelled someone (once again, cough to write a blog (and I'm not only writing this because I have too).  

You may wonder why I started with "once upon a time," well it's because this picture is obviously conveying a fairytale ending! The prince and the princess, walk away into the sunset (I would normally say ride away, like on a horse, but there is no horse-oh well...), and it's a happily ever after! It can't be a happy ever after without some sort of evil person trying to ruin the day. Sigh...evil people....

So, the art aspect of your picture, takes my breath away (don't worry, I'm still alive)! It's amazing! The reason why I love it so much (and picked this picture) is because of the lack of blandness. Let me explain, I am a girl who enjoys many coloured things; vibrant, neon, patterns, rainbow, anything really! I was so glad to see that you went with the colourful vibe (vibe...sounds kind of 70's)! I like how the sun isn't one colour throughout,  it was a bit risky putting the green in there, but you made it work.  I love how you added the black,  brown, and green, yet you still maintained that warm, cozy, happily ever after feel to the picture! I also enjoy how the rays of lights coming from  the sun are swirly instead of straight (I do love curliness)!

Fairytale beginning...check... brief explanation...check...commentary on the art aspect...check...what's left? Oh yes! The morality aspect! Well, your picture does have a hidden message to me. It's a representation. Let's pretend this is the story of Cinderella. The hills are the evil stepmother and her horrendous daughters, getting in the way of Cinderella's dreams. The sun is the fairy god mother, always there (even if you can't see her), shining her light on Cinderella. Then there's the Prince and Cinderella of course! They keep moving forward, even though there are large hills in their way. With each other they can do anything! Isn't that sweet?

How can I have a blog without asking you some questions? Well, I can have a blog without questions, but, I will ask you questions. I was going to ask you what the picture you used as inspiration look liked. Then I realized that you stayed in your class! So here's my question for you: Did you have any picture that you used as inspiration? If so, what did it look like? Have you ever been to the Neilson Art Center (I'm guessing you have)? Do you like it better in class or at the actual gallery? What do you think you could've done to make this picture better? Why did you choose a sunset as opposed to a bright sun in the sky? Is it just because you think the sunset is prettier, or do you have any other reason? Are the couple in the right corner going for a random stroll or does this stroll have purpose? As in, are they going somewhere? Perhaps, on a journey? Maybe to the castle?

Well, I had fun writing this blog, but all good things come to an end. I have to say that your picture is beautiful! My conclusion is that you're good at art. It must be a nice skill to have. I really feel that you've created something that is different than many pictures. The vibrancy of it, has to be my favourite. It's colourful, but not to overdone. It's like a model, it looks beautiful, but when you decide to put toooooo much makeup on it...YIKES! Bye! See ya on...well...most school (I'm not very good with good byes). So, BYE!

P.S. I put a picture of Cinderella because I'm a thoughtful and considerate person. I figured that those who have never seen Cinderella may want to see her (and this picture saves them the hassle of going to Google Images and searching it up). Kidding! I just wanted to add another picture....and also what I said earlier...that too...ADIOS (Spanish...see, I decided to go for a fancy and foreign goodbye)!

P.P.S I just realized, if you are Spanish my attempt of giving you a foreign goodbye has failed. However, you don't seem to be Spanish (but if you are, I guess, that I just gave you a normal goodbye....oh well).

P.P.P.S Here's Malaika's other picture! I did NOT put this because I wanted to add another picture. Fine, maybe I did. Anyways, marvel at its awesomeness! 


  1. Thank you very much! You have some really sweet thoughts about my Art work, And am sure your an artist your self.(if it was for me)--> I am not Spanish although I did learn Spanish 2 years ago.-gracias por escribir- I think escribir means writing or describing.Am not so good at speaking it but I gave it a shot because you gave it a shot. :) -Malaika .S <3

  2. Malaika I love your second picture it like a sence from a fairytale and I love the tree and the moon they catch your eye it's like something you never seen before and I love how simple it is I love that the people are so different but look the same I and I love the use of colours it fits perfect together and. Think it is beautiful love one of your friends -Alessia Duarte
