Thursday, 20 December 2012

Neilson Art Center Experience & Artwork Created

Hello everyone. My name is Iqbal and I was one of the students who went to the Neilson Art Center on November 29th. I personally had a lot of fun there and hope more people have a chance to go there. Anyways, at the Neilson Art Center, we did various activities such as demonstrating aspect in a painting with our bodies, in a group. We also made art with oil pastels inspired from an artwork in their gallery.
The first artwork is called “Entangled”. It was made with inspiration from the art I found in the gallery. My inspiration had a lot of plantation and water and I tried to incorporate that into my artwork. I had a lot of fun making this artwork. At first I just tried to recreate the scene from my inspired artwork but then it turned into something new. When looking at the painting itself, I didn't really have any emotions. There were a lot of curves in it and tree/vine like shapes.
My second artwork was inspired from my first. It was called “Two Worlds”. I had used the tree/vine like shapes but other than that, it was very different. I also took a bit of inspiration from other people’s first artwork. For example, the stripe design in the corners was inspiration from our teacher’s artwork. As you can see, it has a lot of contrast and is not as busy as the first. This is because I wanted this painting to be simpler. This artwork gives you mixed feelings as the various colours trigger multiple emotions. What did you feel while looking at my art?
The good thing about the program was that we were able to share our artwork with our classmates.  It was interesting to hear different views on you artwork. What was the most fun was when someone had an abstract art and could guess what was in it or the story in the art was.  Overall, the trip was amazing and I had a lot of fun there!


  1. You're painting is cool, and I like your blog. I like the painting with the many trees and vines, "Entagled." Sounds like a really accurate name, anyways well done!

  2. Hi Sabhat,
    Thanks for your blog. You ask what I feel looking at your pictures. The second one is especially striking, with the little tree from the first picture that branches into both halves of the picture. The strong symmetrical shapes of the two halves are countered by powerful fields of colour. The right side so fiery hot, the left side so cool. But the tiny tree with its branches up-stretched, has the power to bring the opposites together. A bridge between opposing forces.
    The Milkweed Collective

  3. Sorry, I meant to address the comment to Iqbal

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi Iqbal,

    Just me here...blogging (well more like commenting but whatever). I have decided to dedicate my time to commenting on your should be flattered! Just kidding!

    Well,I wanted to give you my opinion on Two Worlds (and Entangled but mostly Two worlds). Tow Worlds represents a story for me. What I see is as follows:

    One World, peace, togetherness, all represented by one tree. The tree was special, with bright leaves and a feeling of tenderness. Someone, however, decided to tamper with the tree. this tree was magical, a peacekeeper, but it was now wilting away. No one could help it. As the Peace Tree wilted away, so did the happiness that came from it. This caused chaos, the world went into destruction, those who were deemed "good" separated from those who were deemed bad. So basically, it was one world physically, but mentally, for everyone, it was Two Worlds. It was a war that soon started devouring everyone, they started fighting with themselves. They did't realize that the Peace Tree was ACTUALLY a reflection of their behavior. So when the people lost hope and began to fight and separate the tree died more, when the tree died more, everyone got more destructive. Everyone was broken, confused, and "Entangled."

    The good and bad were hollow labels. People went power crazy, leaving them entangled. Stuck, and unable to break what they have created.

    It's kind of funny how in my head Two Worlds is first and then Entangled is a representation of the populations mindset at the time, because you have Entangled first and then Two Worlds.

    Well, I guess we just see it differently. I was wondering, if you were to create your own story for it, what would it be? What does Entangled mean? Is it something that's tangled or someone? In my story the two worlds are "good" and "bad," what do you think the two worlds are? What is the yellow in the middle of Entangled? If Entangled was a person, what would be their favorite subject? I know that's a weird question but in my opinion, it would be art, they would be a dazed and confused person, but when they would ocme to a canvas their brush strokes would speak for them. They would be in the perfect place. But that's what I think, I wanna know what you think.

    Wow, this comment is LONG. Sorry, I get sort of caught up in the words. Nice paintings!

  6. Yo.

    "Entangled," a very fitting name for this picture no doubt. It seems as though instead of planning out the picture, you let it decide whatever it wanted to become. When sketching [You may have noticed this too] sometimes it seems that the picture has a life of its own. Growth and life are generally what vines are used to represent as they grow quickly and spread out briskly. Out of innocent curiosity, why did you decided to choose a picture with nature?

    "Two Worlds," yet another name that would draw in the reader's attention instantly. Being the science fiction fan I am quite interested in the picture. It seems as though the two colours [Blue and Red] could represent water and fire. In magic, red is used to represent life[blood] therefore blue could represent death. On the other hand red is also branded as the colour for anger and aggression while blue has been used to represent wisdom and intelligence. The Norse saw red as a sign of magical protective power or spiritual life and vigour. While they saw blue as an omnipresent mystic force and restless motion. In Feng Shui red is a sign of good fortune, and blue is used to represent healing. That's all I can come up with at the top of my head. Back to the picture, it looks as if two cataclysmic forces will soon collide. Who knows what this mean for the residents for that world[if it has any residents].

    With diligence,

  7. Wow Iqbal! that was amazing!. I can almost feel your inspiration into making the second picture. When I saw the first one. I felt some sort of darkness was pulling out the heart and soon there would be no life. It is kind of sad, but that is how i felt when I picture/feel the movement of the vines.

    Your second picture really got my in terms of how the heart being ripped apart by the vines can some how relate in a story to the two worlds and their differences. I felt like I was on one side and the one I wish to be closer to is on the other. With that, my heart is being ripped apart from the vines of darkness.
