Thursday, 20 December 2012

Blog #1-Nelson Art Centre

Whats up! this is Baarath Sritharan and I am here to tell you about my pictures that I made when my classmates and I went to the Nelson Art Centre. Before I get to that, I should talk to you a little about what the Nelson Art Centre. You would probably want to know that the Nelson Art Centre is known to have many famous artists and their paintings visit and stay in the museum. the particular art museum run programs for the several schools who come to visit for the day and activities they do are paintings and artwork. also some basic games, like using a group of a prole and make types of art like line, pattern, colour etc.

Now to talk to you about my pictures and how I made them. After, we played the art games in our groups, we found a piece of art that we liked the most and we made our own inspirations of the artwork. we made these painting using oil pastels.

My first painting was made with sadness, happiness and with a touch of plain. you can see the sadness in the skies with the rain and dark clouds, but as your eyes move down, you sense a happy feeling with the gigantic heart and the two people in love with all the little children all the exact same. I feel that this would be related to my picture because in the picture, their were two ties in the middle being pointed out and a bunch of other ties that looked exactly the same. I felt that I could have related this to people.

My second picture was supposed to be an inspiration of my inspiration and I found quiet easy because I thought instead of doing a similarity, I could do an exact opposite to my picture. In my first picture's description, I said that my picture would represent sadness, happiness, and plain. it could still show sadness, and happiness because the two are opposite and the two can be represented again, but in a different form. Although, the the plain, that can be turned into colourful and uniqueness. that is what I did. 

I had alot of fun doing this assignment and I wish to do this again.

Thank you   


  1. Your pictures surprised me, I didn't really expect them from you. But if you feel like they speak your mind then that's great! i liked you blog a lot. Baarath, not to be nit-picky but you may want to consider changed the spelling of Neilson Art Centre in your blog. you wrote Nelson!

  2. Baarath,
    Your second picture is like scene two of an unfolding story of how two very different feelings, happiness and sadness, can relate to each other. The two pictures are similar in style, so it is easy to trace the development of the theme from one to the next. The tension between the feelings is only implied in the first drawing, but is vivid and dramatic in the second. The warm sun and the hovering birds seem to heal the tension in the second picture. As you say, it is the same theme in a different form. I wonder what would happen if you made a third scene?
    Milkweed Collective

  3. Baarath,

    To start off, I would just like to tell you that your pictures look absolutely amazing! Even with such a simple style, you created the pictures in such a way that the result is absolutely magnificent! Your pictures were what really made me want to share my thoughts.

    In your post, you mentioned seeing a picture with many ties and two in the center that stood out. I remember seeing that picture too; however, I saw it from far away. During our walk around the gallery, I got so caught up looking at each picture that I didn’t even see the entire gallery. Just like for you, that picture was one of the ones that stood out a little more from the rest. I don’t know why, but even months after I saw it, I can still seem to remember its gist.

    When you mentioned that picture in your blog, I immediately saw the connection between it and your first picture. They “work” in the same way, where the two in the center are “tied together,” similar to these two people and the rest are just kind of like the background where the rest of the story is told. After looking at your pictures, I look at the one with the ties in a whole new way and depth. It is also very interesting to see how your picture evolved from the happy family, with little tension, to the one being torn apart. It is interesting how you explain your picture; sad, happy and with a touch of plain. However, now that I look at your picture, I can see what you mean. Also, when you changed your picture to the opposite, you did a great job both explaining it, and creating it in contrast with the first.

    Your second picture is almost the direct opposite of your first in numerous ways. Your first picture shows what many new marriages and relationships are like. The arrow hits just hard enough to get into the heart, but not break it. You have all the joy and happiness, with a small touch of sadness, which could both be the little tension between people, and the slight sadness of giving up previous lives. The touch of plain is kind of what exists in a happy family, just a bit of well… plain. However, your second picture shows what happens as time passes and tensions grow. The small amount of sadness starts to grow and grow until it overshadows the happiness, in the same way as the happiness did before, and then, things start to happen. The arrow starts going further and further until it finally goes all the way through, breaking the heart forever, making it so that it can never be the same as it was before. Other events also start happening. Before, the family was plain. The only two that stood out were the parents. But now, things are changing; they are becoming well… “un-plain.” The children who were all just folks blending in now have their own problems and issues for which they need support. Each representing themselves. Now the family is no longer going with the flow and working together, but rather they want everything their way. Their lives have taken a dramatic turn.

  4. Your pictures represent all of this. Your first picture shows how the happiness overpowers everything. It is bigger than the small amount of sadness (rain clouds) and overshadows the plain (all the people being nearly the same). However, in the second picture, the sizes of happiness and sadness switches; the sadness now overshadows everything. The tension (rain clouds) has grown and now has become enormous. There is much less happiness (only the birds and Sun). The touch of plain is now a touch of “un-plain” with everyone having their own colour and personality. If I were to explain your pictures again, I would say the first is, happiness, with a touch of sadness and plain; while the next is sadness, with a touch of happiness and “un-plain.” Is it a coincidence that you’re happy and sad changed while retaining the same size comparison? Also, another great aspect of your pictures is the heart. In the first picture, it shows how the arrow had hit just deep enough to make a change, but not too deep. In the second picture, it shows how the arrow has gone too far, breaking the heart beyond repair. In addition, I just noticed that your arrow is facing different ways. It is almost like one of the pictures is one side of the heart; and when you turn it around, the other picture is on the other side. If you look at the end of the bow, it is in the back of the heart on the first, and in the front of the heart on the second. Did you mean for it to be in such a way, to represent something?

    Now that I have told you what I think, I have a question for you. If you were to continue this assignment and create a third picture, what would you make? Would it be a patched up heart, or something else? It would be interesting to see a third image. Also, I was wondering, after you did everything during the trip day, did you happen to stumble upon something that you wished you did instead. I know that when we were about to leave, I saw a picture that I had an amazing idea for. Did something similar happen to you? If so, what was it exactly? One last question, is there something you would have liked to change or do differently with your pictures? Is there something that went wrong and turned into a great piece of art?

    Overall, your artwork is great and I agree with you in saying the trip was very fun, and I too would do it again if I had the opportunity.

    P.S. Sorry for the long post. When I start righting, something happens and I get so many ideas that I don’t know when I should stop.


  5. I had to divide my post into two parts because it wasn't posting otherwise.

  6. Baarath,
    I agree with Sabhat,
    I honestly didn't expect this to come from you, I dont know why, but you dont seem to be the kind of person to do something like that.
    I like how your second picture was kind of a reflection of your first one, while everyone else's was kind of a continuation of their first.
    Nice work on the 2 paintings, and keep it up!


  7. Baarath,

    I really liked your pictures, and the creative process intrigued me as well, why was your mind thinking of sadness AND happiness during the first picture?

    I would think that from an outsider's view, your take on the pictures would be swapped, happiness in the first, sadness in the second, mostly because of the huge hearts.

    I really like how instead of just taking some elements from the first picture, it mostly had the same things, as if it was a continuation, or a alternative take on the situation.

    I'd like to see more "paintings" like this, nice work.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Baarath's-Not-So-Expected-Painting-Yet-Amazing

    "Welcome to the not-so-late-night-show with Tashifa Imtiaz. Today our guest will be Baarath Sirithiran! Yayyyyyy!!! I'm yelling "yay" alone...awkward.So, I'm going to be commenting and answering about your pictures. You are going to sit quietly in your computer chair and not talk on this show, because you aren't actually here!Yep, sounds about right!"

    So, I don't see any I'll make up the typical ones.
    Baarath: "Oh dear reader, what is your most amazing opinion on my painting? For you are most amazing!"

    Well, Mr. Sirithiran let me think....hmmm....well. I told you this before...the first painting... Gives. Me. A. Queasy. Feeling. I'm sorry! I do have a severe medical condition! But I don't know....hmmm...okay maybe I do. You do I say this...maybe it's the colours? Or maybe it's the concept? Like I love your painting and all, great job, good work, but I don't really feel like butterflies and rainbows. No, I feel awkward? Sorry, but you did ask for my most amazing opinion. I really think it's the colours...and I have a sudden dislike on the people..we aren't good friends, you see. Hmm...maybe it's too sad and awkward? Okay..let me just shut up about it. It's nice. Cool. Hip. Rad. Fun. Sick. Awkward... :| Maybe we should cancel this show...

    But the second made me feel all happy inside! It was nice and sunny. The heart was really bright. the people were dancing and all colourful. The arrow was pointing was just a nice day. :D Ya! I seriously think the colour had a huge toll! Wow! Now Baarath, just thinking...are you trying to say something in those pictures? Does anyone else feel drastically affected by those colours? I must say though, I didn't really expect this from you. You feeling blue? You want some food? Well, I don't have any. Anyway...really different from what you draw usually, if you draw.But I really do notice how you turned something plain into something that means or goes in to so much more detail. I do believe their is a story somewhere here!

    I do think they are both amazing pieces of art, beside by eerie feelings towards them. Sorry, I mean no offense to you.

    So, that's all folks. From the artistically challenged friend of yours, that will always understand your pain of art, good bye. Everyone please give a round of applause to Baarath Sirithiran, on taking risks, putting his best foot forward, being able to read this without wanting to punch the comment, and doing a brilliant job. Lalalalalalalalala....I just feel I should have a more meaningful ending like "The answer is in your heart" (Guru style). Oh well, nice paintings! Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
